Tuesday, August 26, 2008
video proof
so last night there was a dog scavenging through jean's trash. it sounded like he had a color on so i went outside on the porch to sorta make noise and scare him away but instead he howled and started to run towards me. I slammed the door so fast! Dogs frighten me when they get mean.
After that i decided to call the police..... yep i morphed into mr mcCarriston (sp?) and called the po-po. They sent a police to check out the area but i think after the dog got all pissed off he left.
I'm such a loser.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
the devils spawn.
I said thats the most passive aggressive way to handle it but OH well....
I grab the broom and bang the dining room ceiling three times. I realized that broom had no cap on the handle after i had punctured a hole in the ceiling ... it was just a metal circle.
the running and banging stopped for the night though!
it did however start up again at 7:30am. i loathe that child and the parents for not having the common courtesy to realize they live on the second floor.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
bye bye 86
today the 'rents came over to help me install the new refrigerator and the new(old) dryer. I no longer have the MONSTER fridge or the squuuuueeeeeeky dryer.
first we cleaned out from behind and under the dryer... i found the roll of stamps i've been looking for since february! then we installed the new dryer it's pretty old looking but it doesn't squeek!
Then we moved the old clunker fridge. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
It was disgusting under there. I mean... pure filth I don;t think its EVER been cleaned. Maybe a few times when we lived here as kids because i remember vaccuming it with mommy. the coils were also COVERED in dust bunnies. Derv told me that thing was prob sucking the electric bill because of how hard it had to work since there was so much filth on the coils. Oops.
So larrahn and I used a spatula to scrape the crap off the floor. Gross.
When we were done we tore apart the old dryer. No diamond. :( doh well. It was cool to yank apart though......
What makes me sad is that i somehow lost the apparatus magnet. so i had to replace it with peach. sweet peach. hmmmm.
super woman.
the next morning i woke up exhausted and with a few bruises.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
screams of......
Amy and I were on the back porch last night and Neil came out with the dog. He asked if we had seen the raccoon yet. Then went on to tell me about its habits. It come down at 5:30 every night and goes back up into the tree every morning at 5:30. I brought up the noise. I asked if he had heard it. He said "yup i'm pretty sure they were makin babies."
GROSS. raccoons scream like that when they do it?!?!?
I told him since then i will NOT let the cats stay out at night. He told me thats a good thing because there have been coyote sightings in lynn or marblehead and they'll chase the cats around.
and i still need glass for the table. i use the chairs but the railing is not quite cutting it as a table.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
hot as.......
I'm sorry to offend anyone!
its really hot and humid. I don't mind heat but the humidity is yicky. I put an AC in the window of the living room and hung a blanket over the doorway to let it cool. It took the humidity out and made if comfortable but it was definitely not a freezer like i had hoped for. I only have fans in my bedroom. Yes.... fanS. I have a window fan, a ceiling fan and a stand fan. i think the trifecta (sp) has a nice way of circulating the air. The only issue i have is that i tend to shower at night because i like being clean and feel more cooled but when i shower at night i go to bed with wet hair. I tend to not put product in it since i am lazy and cheap. So i wake up with a wind blown, non product filled, humid air created FRO. its great! i'll have to put a picture up.
other than that i am once again boring.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I'm sitting in my living room on the couch and i suddenly hear Janet Jackson's 'love will never do' blaring as if the neighbor pulled up with it on. I look out the window only to see Mr. Tom Mastromarino (sp?) cruising into his driveway, top down, music blaring. He jumps out to run inside and then runs right back out turns the car on an immediately janet starts blaring again. Of all music he could be listening to.... nevermind... it's actually quite fitting.
Now Mr. QQQQQ is gone and its silent again... oh except for Sagan meowing outside like a moron.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
check it out.
Saturday, June 28, 2008

he was wild today. It prompted me to look into it a bit more. I found a questionairre that helps you determine if your cat is depressed. 7 questions.... i answered no to 1-6. and here is the last question......
7) Excessive vocalization often occurs when a cat loses a close companion, whether it’s another cat, dog or person. The cat will roam around the house meowing, as if trying to find her missing buddy. Does your cat cry or meow more than normal?
yes yes yes yes yes yes and yes.
apparently Sagan is still trying to 'find' Tara.
he commented on the photo from the kitchen paint job, asking if the paint was satin finish.
Right on Derv! i must say thats pretty impressive.. considering how old you are. ;)
and thank you for carrying my new coffee table into mi casa! and tightening the pipe under the sink and for offering your big scary self to threaten the little shit upstairs.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
the visit!
She came to be my hero and pick up the new coffee table i bought. No i did not need a new table but i HATE mine and this one is beautiful. It's a maria yee. the peices are made with traditional chinese joinery.. ooooooh.
Anyways she came to load it into her car for me (because my lil nugget wouldn't do.) And yipee she brought the kiddies. We rode the escalator... got m&m's... walked to panera.... ate lunch.... walked all the back to the barrel (well erk and i walked back. tyler made in known he was "done walkin" as he stodd in front of me and wouldn't let me move out of his way). All and all a great day. And the perfect thing to break up my usually long wednesday!
thank you!
and my commute home took a nice hour and thirty minutes today. lovely.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
nice timing
I went to town scraping it all today... I had the metal brush going like crazy. I got all of the chunks and loose paint off so it was ready for the rustoleum. i head in to get the rustoleum. I brought it onto the grass so that i wouldn't stain the deck. I started with the table.
The sky was cloudy and i knew that the forecast had mentioned humidity and potential rain but of course I am dumb and continued anyway. I was so happy with my table job that I grabbed two chairs and started to spray them. when i was about to do start on the third chair i felt a drop on my left shoulder. GREAT. it takes a good 20 minutes for the rustoleum to dry and i had probably finished the table 5 minutes before the rain came. oh well. like every other project i attempt its a mess of a job.
at least two chairs will be in super condition because I'll wait for it to be a clear day.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
winter lake
Thursday, June 19, 2008
this is why i'm hot.
the Bride
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, when i got home from the wedding my TV was alllllll FUZZY. i thought hmmmm thats weird! lo and behold the cable has officially been CUT. Mark saw a cable guy out side on saturday while getting ready for the wedding.... up on a ladder. He said it looked like he was hooking up new cable for the new neighbors next door... well they must have finally noticed that there was an old wire still hooked up. SO bye bye cable.
I bought an antenna for my tv to be able to watch the playoffs....
i cant afford cable alone so i am in a pretty sad spot. :(
i hate him
There is a member of the family on the porch talking to another saying "oh can you hear him scream?" like its a suprise that he is screaming!?!?!? really? really?
HE DOES IT ALL THE TIME.... when he's not stomping all over the floor like a 300 lb person.
Mimi Conway Hill
The weather was gorgeous. and it was all around a good time. Tj was able to come from LA to go to the wedding. He got to meet Mark. I was excited about this because they both mean a lot to me and i talk about them both a lot to each other so they finally got to put real live faces to the person. They seemed to like each other and i was thrilled.
Tom (amy's bf) and Mark also finally got to hang out... they've only ever really met in passing... and this was the first time they really spent time together! And god they spent a lot together... Amy and I were in the wedding so the guys were on their own for a while and they too seemed to get along! (unlike our last significant others...they didnt like each other at all)
She was beautiful and everything worked out wonderful... pictures to follow.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
- he's hungry
- he's doing it because he knows i'll respond
- he misses something
I think I'm going to choose a mix of 2 and 3. The cat is fed plenty (unless fat boy a.k.a Elton eats it all before Sagan gets any... unlikely) He knows that when he meows i attempt to 'fix' whatever is bugging him... i smother him with affection by picking him up and flipping him onto his back and petting his belly. I don't do it every time but it's what i did when the meowing first started around the time Tara left. I think he also misses Tara (the staple in his life from October to may). i am unsure of how much affection and attention she actually gave them while she was home with them...... But whatever I'm doing is not enough.
I also think one of the cats got poison ivy oils on them... I pick them up a lot and the other day i noticed little bumps on my arm.... i have not scratched them! but they have the ivy look to them... i took Benadryl and rinse it with salty hot water when i want to scratch it. Hopefully it goes away and doesn't spread by the wedding! SATURDAY.. yikes! Mimi is getting married!
And its hot as balls.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
bust cups.
BUST CUPS. aka chicken cutlets
Nancy Hughes sewed in some 'chix cutlets' to add some extra filler. Thank god i listened to Jessica and ordered them with the dress... i mean we all know my breasts are UGE... but.... a little extra doesn't hurt. Its funny because the breast area is loose and the waist area is SNUG. perfect. I also bought spanx to smooth out all of my fatty lumps.. The first time i put them on i felt like a sausage. this means i can't eat at the wedding! woooo!
dirty tissues
I've been taking the 'crystal meth' claritin (you know, the one you have to get from the pharmacist b.c stupid kids were getting high off of it) and its not much of a help.
I think Sagan is having sympathy nose issues... he does this weird breathe out of his nose thing repeatedly. It's almost as if he isnt breathing in he is just pushing breath out of his nose. Mark thought it could be a hair ball but there was no cough action going on. Who knows.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
normal, right?!?!
WHipped cream
I'm eating homemade whipped cream and berries for breakfast. Mmmm. It was supposed to be dessert but of course i ate entirely way too many taco's. i know i eat too much, in general, but come on it's taco's.... I think i could probably eat a whole family pack.
Thank God for Mark... he's been keeping me properly nourished when he's here! As I've already mentioned.... I've been known to eat a pepper for dinner. He makes real dinner (and its really good) ...... he puts all the nice knives that i never use to good use and he uses the stove!... speaking of the stove....
I was organizing a cabinet last night that has plastic cups and travel mugs in it. As i was pulling things out and moving things around a long acrylic glass got away from me. As it slipped from the shelf i watched as it fell directly onto my ceramic top stove! When i saw it hit I was shocked.... the plastic cup had cracked/shattered a section of my stove!!!! (the good, speedy burner).
ONLY ME. I think i am the only person capable of breaking a ceramic stove top.. i know they're fragile but really i think i am the one person that can say i broke it with a plastic cup. Lorraine is checking on the warranty for me this morning.. :(
Saturday, May 31, 2008
scared of plastic.
the lizard is fake!
HAHA i'm such a loser... i was so freaked out by it that i didnt even want to investigate it last night.... so today i did and its plastic! SOOOO back to the theory that it is some type of an animal.
My parents said it seems like the sounds raccoons make.
Who knows.... all i know is i never want to hear it again.
and its cow plop bingo day!
Friday, May 30, 2008
nightmare on suffolk
What was it? you ask.. I have NO IDEA. it sounded like a squeak styled scream.. imagine a rat squeaking repeatedly at the top of its lungs over and over and over.. there was a sense of harm and pain in the noise, it was an insanely unnerving sound. I looked out the window, only to see it had woken my neighbors as well... one was on her back deck with the light on trying to figure out what this screeching was and i hear another say "a raccoon must've gotten something". I couldn't see anything but i could hear the noise and a strange deep panting breath. Ewwww. I didn't think I'd be able to go back to sleep..
THANK GOD the cats were in!
I almost left Sagan out because of his refusal to come in (i wanted to 'teach him a lesson' Hmmm am i a Bartlett or what?!?!)
I looked at my back deck today after work to look for a corpse of some sort... and you'd never guess what i found... a dead lizard?!?!?!? Since when do we have lizards in swampscott? Maybe someones pet got away? It's prob about 8-10" long, on its back and in a crunched up position.
Could that possibly have been the croaking scream?
The nerd that I am looked it up. lizard noises sound like some form of a croak and that the croak becomes a screaming croak when it is threatened. http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/lizards/ Scroll to the bottom and listen to the barking gecko.
Then again someone told me there is a fisher cat problem around here... and they scream like a human being killed.... what the?!
I don't know. All i do know is that i NEVER want to hear that noise again.. and i see a dead gecko.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

decktails, bright sun, lacrosse, baseball, light up veil, garter belt, no food, too much food, drag queens, karate chopping doors, penis rash, dan, mullets, whats in my omlete (eww), wicked good chowdah, and a bonfire.......
There is so much more but i just can't bore you with all of the details.
f-ing trees
after 26 years being allergy free the pollen (i think tree) has finally reached me.
I went to bed with this strange tickle that made me wanna cough and woke up with a raw itchy throat.. a cough.. a headache.. and feel exhausted.
Mom and Tara.... how have you lived with this heinous thing for so long?!?!
at it again...
I hope they get over this meowing thing. Is it wrong of me to have a problem with a cat that meows?
Friday, May 23, 2008
not really sure about this..
My cats miss the s*%#t out of Tara... she left and they don't quite to know what to make of it. She was here with them for the entirety of their lives. And now i am home after work and i let them out before work. SO when i do get home they meow and meow and meow until i pick them up and smother them with affection! Sagan, 'mr. i don't need anyone' has become an affection junky... he sleeps with me (mostly on me) every night. And Elton 'the queen' is needy, but in a different way. Its like he just wants me to know he's there.. he'll meow and then drop to the floor in the most dramatic way and start purring immediately?! don't ask.
I miss tara's food. i actually ate a green pepper for dinner one night. raw. how pathetic.
I'll probably forget to do this on a regular basis... so make sure you hold your breath waiting for my next post!!!