"Say whip"... "
WIP".... "now say whipped cream"..."
WHipped cream."
I'm eating homemade whipped cream and berries for breakfast.
Mmmm. It was supposed to be dessert but of course i ate entirely way too many taco's. i know i eat too much, in general, but come on it's
taco's.... I think i could probably eat a whole family pack.
Thank God for Mark... he's been keeping me properly nourished when he's here! As
I've already mentioned....
I've been known to eat a pepper for dinner. He makes
real dinner (and its really good) ...... he puts all the nice knives that i never use to good use and he uses the stove!... speaking of the stove....
I was organizing a cabinet last night that has plastic cups and travel mugs in it. As i was pulling things out and moving things around a long acrylic glass got away from me. As it slipped from the shelf i watched as it fell directly onto my ceramic top stove! When i saw it hit I was shocked.... the plastic cup had cracked/shattered a section of my stove!!!! (the good, speedy burner).
ONLY ME. I think i am the only person capable of breaking a ceramic
stove top.. i know they're fragile but really i think i am the one person that can say i broke it with a
plastic cup.
Lorraine is checking on the warranty for me this morning.. :(